Saturday, July 22, 2023

Christmas in July (?)

 It's that time again when we start thinking about . . . .  CHRISTMAS!

It's been consistently over 110 degrees every day for the last 20 days here in Phoenix, so thinking about Christmas might be a bit of a stretch!  💦😰  I KNOW. . .  maybe if I turn the fan on full blast and sit in front of it, that will help. 

I know I have a reputation for putting things off until the last minute.  But sometimes it pays off!  

Last year my goal was to make 24 Grab Some Grub bags (lunch boxes) for my grandchildren for Christmas.  I started off so well!  I had 3 grandchildren in the country of Lebanon and their other Grandmother was going out for a visit in August.  (When she goes to Lebanon, she graciously puts out a notice for anyone who wants to send stuff to Lebanon, we send it to her and she takes an extra suitcase (or two) to bring the goodies).  
Sooooo, I put three of these bags together, wrapped them all up, and sent them with her.  WOW!!! 3 gifts were done in July AND already sent.  I was on a roll!
Then, I continued by cutting out all the pieces for the rest of the bags (now I was down to 21).  I even had some of the steps done and everything was labeled, stacked, and just waiting for me to sit and work some more.  
However. . . .
I was working between 30 and 40 hours a week (sometimes more) on my "real" job, got caught up in a couple of large cross stitching projects that kept drawing me in, and everyday life duties like housework, errands, and of course other projects that needed completing kept me from this one.  Also, my husband and I started watching some Korean shows on Netflix and Prime and we have to "read" those shows - which also keeps me from being productive.
My sister said she was coming for Christmas and would be here for a month starting right after Thanksgiving.  
She brought her sewing machine.
She brought her cricut.
She had TONS of time that I didn't. . .


She had a BLAST sewing those Grab some Grubs!  I did manage to help somewhat during the evenings and on the weekend.

A few organized piles  (Above)

The First one completed by my sister (Below)

It only took her 6 days and here's the result:

Aren't they GREAT??!!??

So, the little moral to this story is:  Sometimes it pays off to wait until the last minute!    (LOL)

I bet you're wondering what my plan is for this year!
Well, Diane is not coming out for Christmas this year but she IS coming out the end of September to take a sewing class with me.  YIPPEE!!!!!
She is currently saving and sending to me some quilted and other non-quilted scraps of soft and stable for a smaller project to be made for all this year.  

And guess what?!!  I already have three done and given out!

Stay tuned . . .